Friday, August 10, 2018

Java vs. Python Which Programming Language is best?

Java and Python both are popular languages among the programmers. There is no rivalry
between them. Both the languages have different uses and use by the different set of
programmers. Before we get in details of similarities, advantages, disadvantages, and uses
of these two languages, let us see in brief about both of these languages.

The first difference is in the coding. Java has the complex coding structure. The Android  has
evolved from C++. It uses the complex programming structure. For example, check the
coding of the first program taught to the beginner in programming to print Hello World.

The syntax of Python is much simpler as compared to that of Java. You can check it in the
following figure. How simple it is. You do not need to learn the number of braces you have
to close. The number of semicolons you need to use. Just in one line, you can do the stuff in
Python whereas in Java you have to type four lines to do the same thing.

The principle of Python is simplicity. It is based on the philosophy that readability counts.
The purpose of Python is to have simple and minimum use of language. It is like writing
English. Yes, a good Python program is like reading English only. The focus of Python is to

concentrate on the solution rather than syntax. So, if the point of comparison is based on
ease of coding between Java and Python, then Python wins over Java.

Ease of Learning:
We have already discussed above that the syntax of Java is complex. So, obviously, we will
go for simple things. We like the things which are easier to do. Python has an extraordinary
simple syntax. It is extremely easy to get started. This is one of the reasons for surpassing
Java as the top languages introduce to US students as per the recent survey posted by the
Association for Computer Machinery. The popularity of Python is increasing in past years.
The universities are teaching Python to even a non-programming student because of its
simplicity. However, they have switched to Java for high school computer science students.
The beginners in programming world often make the mistake of missing colon, braces while
writing their program. Even when their logic is right, it leads to many syntax errors creating
frustration thinking that programming is tough. It is tough for beginners to put braces and
semicolon at appropriate places during the starting coding. However, in Python, you only
need to focus on the solution of the problem. Python uses many string functions which is far
better than Java.

Open-Source and Cross-Platform:

Have you heard the word FLOSS? At least, those are programmers they know. I am asking it
from the beginner’s point of view. FLOSS stands for the Free/Libre and Open Source
Software. It merely means that Python can be easily distributed; anyone can read its source
code and make necessary changes as per their requirement. It is supported by the
community which believes in sharing knowledge. Obviously, the large community of
developers in Python are working continuously to make Python a successful programming
language. They are working continuously to make it the best programming language.
Apart from the benefit of being open-source programming, Python offers the opportunity of
cross-platform. It is available for major operating systems including Windows, Mac OS X,
Linux, and UNIX. So, there is no restriction. You can use Python without depending upon the
operating system you are using. Thus it is helping even enterprises to use high-level
programming language Python without depending on the platform they are using. It is

gradually gaining popularity among the companies due to its open-source and cross-
platform uses.

Java has a “Literate Programming” Problem:

The word Literate Programming is a popular word used in the programming world. It simply
means the ability or acquiring knowledge of programming language depends on the existing
knowledge, intended language use, and learning environment. For example, if a person
already knows how to do programming in C, C++ or JavaScript, it will be easier for that
person to understand Java. That person will be easily programming in Java. However, if a
beginner directly starts with Java then surely he will never be going to program in his life.

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